I had my followup appointment from my heart cath with my cardiologist today. He went in to more detail than the cardiologist that performed it went in to that day. The cath was done because my stress test indicated there might be reduced blood flow in part of my heart. It's good news, no blockages and not only that but he said everything was clean as a whistle. At my request they had done both sides of my heart and there again, good news. My Pulmonary Hypertension had been classified as moderate based on an echo cardiogram. In the heart cath they can get the true pressure reading and it is not quite as bad as the echo indicated so it has been reclassified from moderate down to mild to moderate. They also checked to see if there were any holes between the heart chambers, which could have been a possible cause of my Pulmonary Hypertension. There were none, so he suspects my sleep apnea has been the cause of my PH. I have mild enlargement of my heart, consistant with my size. Also, I have aortic valve stenosis which had been classified as moderate from the echo cardiogram. The cath also downgraded that to mild to moderate. Based on the new information from the cath, my return checks for my PH have been changed from six months to yearly. The chest discomfort that caused my cardiologist to ask for the stress test in the first place is gone. My general practitioner and I were both suspecting it was caused by asthma. She put me on daily use of an asthmanex inhaler and that has completely taken care of that discomfort.
After my appointment I went shopping at Michael's. I wanted to find something to make an earring holder out of. While I was there I got lots of things to work on with my granddaughter Hannah when I go down to Alabama to watch her while her mom is in the hospital having baby brother Riley.
This evening was a Tweet-up for local people who tweet on Twitter. We met downtown at Tyeger's Pizza. The food was great and so was the company and conversation. We had 12 people there, including the two children. Next Tweet-up will be Wednesday evening at Billy Ann's. I'm looking forward to it.
If anyone is interested in Tyeger's Pizza, here is their URL: http://www.tyegerspizza.com.
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